Introducing the Thinkingest Podcast

Ladies and gentlemen, introducing: The Thinkingest.*


What's The Thinkingest? It's my new podcast! Every other Wednesday the Thinkingest will feature me and a special guest star doing what I do best: overthinking some element of modern life. Subscribe on iTunes or with your favorite podcasting tool.

This week's launch edition features Michael Andersen, the publisher and janitor of Portland Afoot, Portland's 10-minute newsmagazine on buses, bikes and low-car life. In this week's conversation, Michael and I discuss crowdfunding projects (Watch the video below or check out this link to support the campaign to make Portland Afoot free), creativity, craps, video games as a metaphor for life, and other digressions.

Meanwhile, each podcast is a lighthearted discussion of the ways I overthink oh-so-many situations in this world. I suspect this isn't a unique trait, so each issue will also feature guests doing something related to or interested in a topic I'm overthinking. They might be fellow over-thinkers, or they might have all the answers that will help me silence my mind. Subjects to expect include careers, style, food, romance, social graces, holidays, travel, finances, fitness and anything else that might be on my mind. But don't expect strict adherence to these topics, and conversations could wander any which way.

Like what you hear? Say so in the comments here and review it on iTunes. Also let me know what you're overthinking and if you'd like to be a guest on a future edition of the Thinkingest.

Oh, also, I'd love a logo, though I have nothing to offer for one at the moment but my appreciation and a constant tip of my hat.

Here's Portland Afoot's video. I heartily endorse this awesome project!

*Possibly tentative title. Have something more palatable? Like "Thinkingest?" Any other comments? Let me know in the comments.

Bill Lascher

Bill Lascher an acclaimed writer who crafts stories about people, history, and place through immersive narratives and meticulous research. His books include A Danger Shared: A Journalist’s Glimpses of a Continent at War (Blacksmith Books, 2024), The Golden Fortress: California's Border War on Dust Bowl Refugees (2022, Chicago Review Press), and Eve of a Hundred Midnights: The Star-Crossed Love Story of Two WWII Correspondents and Their Epic Escape Across the Pacific (2016, William Morrow).

Thinkingest Episode 2: Decision Fatigue


One Last Assignment One More Time